this little life


how to shower when your mental health is doing you dirty


hello, from the pits of a depressive low. It’s been a struggle to get this written whilst struggling with this exact thing, but I guess that’s the perfect time to talk. So yes, today we’re gonna talk about how to shower when your mental health is doing you dirty.

first things first, no judgement here. Looking after ourselves is hard enough without mental health challenges, so cut yourself some slack!

as always, you are not alone, you are not a mess; you are human, and being a human is hard.

you got this, and things are going to get better.

how to shower when your mental health is low: a heart drawn onto a fogged up shower screen reminding you, you are enough.
you are enough.

why is it so hard to shower with low mental health?

unfortunately, I’m no scientist, but here’s few examples of why showering can feel so impossible when dealing with low mental health.

– low moods and low energy

when our mental health takes a turn, our mood and energy plummet. To get us through the day, our bodies will try to save as much energy as they possibly can. In these lows, essential tasks like brushing our teeth, showering or even getting out of bed can easily fall by the wayside. It’s a natural response, it makes sense and you’re not a monster if this is your reality. You might have the desire to do these tasks, but you might not physically have the energy to do so.

Your body is doing the best it can, so try not to burden it more with thoughts of ‘I’m the worst human in the world; I can’t even shower’

(when you figure out how to do this, please tell me.)

– negative thinking

low mental health can have us feeling all the horrible feels. we don’t like ourselves, we don’t want to look after ourselves or the dreaded ‘this is exactly what we deserve’. I can tell you with absolute confidence that last statement is 100% untrue, but I know you might still hear it. Low hygiene can validate our negative self-image, and cleanliness just does not matter to that image. People can counter these thoughts a million times, but it doesn’t mean a thing unless it comes from you.

Despairing? I’ve got some tips, don’t worry. Keep reading.

– trauma

*trigger warnings, please feel free to skip to the next heading if this is uncomfortable for you*

as a survivor of childhood SA (sexual abuse), the thing I struggle most with when it comes to showering is never feeling clean. I could scrub for three days straight, and the feeling of dirtiness in my stomach would never go away. I lose the importance of cleaning myself because I don’t know what it feels like to truly be clean.

I’m entering my fourth year of therapy with Beacon House, and I’m still learning to overcome this. I appreciate that’s not super comforting, but I hope it shows you that whatever you’re struggling with is significant. It’s huge, so it’s okay that it takes time.

this goes for any trigger you may have, big, small, invisible or known.

if you are struggling with anything after a traumatic event or time, even if it happened 50 years ago, please reach out. there is help for you.

I hope to explore these topics further on this blog, but please head to for a wealth of information and support.

everybody deserves to be clean, and to feel clean.

how to shower when you can't - ask for help, support your friends. everybody deserves to be and feel clean.
how to shower when you can’t: don’t be afraid to ask for help. support your friends. everyone deserves to feel clean.

tips and tricks to make showering on difficult days easier

I hope these tips and tricks will help ease some of the struggles mentioned above.

we’ll keep growing this list together, so don’t forget to share in the comments any things that helps you if you can.


three simple ways to simplify your hygiene tasks so they aren’t so overwhelming.

The Pits and Bits Wash: beautifully named by my oldest sister.
  • if you can, get yourself (or have someone help you) into the shower
  • turn that shower head on and literally just soap up your pits and your bits
  • and your done, get out of there.
The Wipe Wash:
  • if a shower feels too much today, a quick wipe with a wet wipe is enough to lift your mood.
  • I know it’s not the nicest of sensations so pretend your living your best life at Glastonbury!
The Shortcuts:
  • other little shortcuts you can try on low energy days include dry shampoo, a simple face wash or even just washing your hands.


if you’re like me and find it much easier helping somebody else rather than yourself, this one might be for you. (thanks to my friend Grace for teaching me this one.)

The Creature Wash:
  • imagine yourself as a creature separate from yourself that you are responsible for.
  • you might not want to look after the creature today; they’re being annoying, and you just want to stay in bed. BUT they’re depending on you, so you’ve got to get it done when you can.
  • do it for the creature not yourself.
Use music:
  • play music to lift your mood
  • distract your negative thoughts
  • soothe anxiety and stress that may hold you back from showering.
Ask for help:
  • ask for help whenever you need it.
  • ask someone to encourage you or even physically put you in the shower.
  • I know it can be embarrassing but if it makes the difference to you being able to face the day, do it.


the last tip I’m gonna explore today is creating a safe space, transforming your bathroom or your shower into a haven that’s just for you. let’s get creative!

Choose your Scents:
  • smells have the power to transport us, so when you’re choosing your shampoos and your shower gels, make sure they have scents that make you feel amazing!
  • upgrade your showers with shower steamers for an extra boost!
Choose Your Colours:
  • if possible, look for ways to use colour to lift your mood.
  • explore feng shui if it interests you!
  • if there’s a colour that always soothes you, treat yourself to some fresh towels in that colour, a new art print, or even change the colour of your soap.
Magic Showers:

This one, I created in one of my biggest lows. I was struggling to feel safe anywhere in real life, so I used my imagination to take me somewhere protected. In an attempt to feel supported enough to wash myself, I tried to recreate this environment in my shower. I imagined a rainforest filled with nature and fresh air. I’d play rainforest sounds on my Spotify, light candles for soft light and turn the main lights off. In the darkness, I imagined the leaves of all the trees protecting me, hiding me so nobody could find me, and I felt a little more ready to shower.

Your imagination is boundless and can take you anywhere. Make a disco in your bathroom, make a farm. Whatever helps you believe you our worthy of being clean, do it. You will never look like a fool to me!

apologies, that was probably another overwhelming one, but keep me saved and revisit me any time. this doesn’t all have to land today. you can check out my pinterest and my tiktok for more bite-sized help and inspiration.

your take homes for today, on how to shower when your mental health is doing you dirty:

  • you are not a weirdo or disgusting; when your mental health is low, things like showering can feel impossible.
  • there are many factors that make looking after ourselves in difficult times hard, but there are also many things we can try to make it easier.
  • it’s okay to ask for help, whether from professionals or friends and family.
  • You are not alone; there are many others who understand and support you.

if you feel unsafe or in a crisis, please use these links to find the support you need:

thank you for reading!

don’t forget you can like and share this post to anybody that might need it, and let me know in the comments if you have anything to share.